Generally held beliefs
I have always subscribed to the view that there is only one race and that is the human race.We are more alike than we are different.What's most unifying in all of this,is the fact that we are all bound together by an energy form that we no longer seem to acknowledge. Our forefathers were much more in tune with nature and as such recognized the bond that we do hold with nature in general and the environment in particular.
We are probably more apt to believe that the attributes of modern technology and not the forces of nature around us has the greater influence over our lives.
I think that the mere fact that we are prepared to spend enormous amounts of money on the forecasts of so called psychics, much of which never comes to fruition, convinces me that we could invariably realize that same degree of probable success if we were to use our own intuition in these matters. In other words you and I are just as psychic as 99% of those who have posted their signs somewhere, and setup shop claiming to have psychic abilities.
These abilities come to us in various forms and most of the time we simply dismiss them or ignore them. Have you ever noticed that if there is one single thing that most successful people refer to as being the most influential thing in their decision making process, it would be their dependence on their own intuition.
How often have you read or heard of people in business or the sciences who were plagued by a particular problem only to go to sleep and have the solution come to them in the form of a dream.
I believe that each and every one of us have these abilities. Most of us probably wouldn't recognize them even if they were to smack us in the face. Sometimes the time lapse between the revelation of the premonition and the realization of the actual event, is so small that one is inclined to think that maybe it's all a dream, a truth to which I can readily attest.
A Premonition
On the night of 28/09/2005 I dreamt that I was back home at the behest of my dad. Normally a request like this would be the perfect occasion that we would turn into a family vacation trip. Summer vacation for my family and I had always involved outdoor activities like RVing, boating, fishing and camping. I would travel with my wife and daughter, and there would be a great deal of excitement and anticipation, since it is not unusual for us to be somewhat secretive about our itinerary. But on this occasion, although I was traveling alone, yet I felt that same exuberance, since I always enjoyed sharing quality time with my father, and was really looking forward to it. I was traveling by car and as it would seem at a rather high rate of speed to maximize what in my mind would have been a short visit with him.
I arrived at this place that I should have recognized since I had grown up there, but somehow I did not. The house somehow looked more like a cottage. But there standing on the porch was my dad who was eagerly awaiting my arrival.
A paternal gesture by any other name
He was beaming with excitement, and completely outfitted with all the gear and tackle for a day on the water. I shared his enthusiasm and naturally quickly exited my car and ran towards the porch, but stopped at the stair and started asking my dad what ever happened to our old house. His only response was “ come with me son, we have a lot of catching up to do, let’s go fishing and have some fun together.” Since we had never gone fishing together before, I was taken back by his request. As eager as I was to spend the time with him, yet somehow, I had no desire to climb those stairs to greet him in a fashion like we always did, with bear hugs and a show of mutual affection.
Instead, I just stood there gazing at my dad who was beaming with life and continually repeating his invitation for me to join him on this fishing trip that he had obviously invested a lot of time and effort planning.
The Will
I had observed that my dad did not seem annoyed at my hesitance, nor did he even attempt to approach me, but instead with a beckoning gesture of his arm and slowly walking towards the back of the cottage he simply said “ come I have everything ready for us at the back “…
This, I am sure was not your typical lucid dream, nor was I particularly cognizant of time, but it did seem as though within moments of having the dream, I was startled and awoken when our phone began to ring.
This call was to inform us of the passing of my dad.
Many people do not have a Will
Many people do not have a will -